
Rahasia Sukses Bisnis Part 1

Hal Penting Yang Harus Dipersiapkan Yang Jarang
Di Ketahui Para Pelaku Usaha

Hal penting yang harus dipersiapkan sebelum kita terjun di dunia bisnis adalah kita harus tahu saat ini kita mulai bisnis dari mana. Apa kita dari posisi sebagai karyawan, direktur, professional, atau kita tidak punya latar belakang pekerjaan dan sekarang ingin langsung terjun di dunia bisnis.
Kalau anda karyawan beda dengan direktur atau professional atau pengusaha. Persyaratannya pun berbeda. Kalau anda karyawan Anda cukup menyiapkan fotokopy ktp dan slip gaji terakhir, sedangkan kalau anda professional yang harus Anda siapkan biasanya adalah fotokopy ktp, surat ijin profesi, dan bukti penghasilan asli juga rekening tabungan/Koran 3 bulan terakhir, sedangkan kalau anda pengusaha anda biasanya di minta fotokopy ktp, fotokopy akte pendirian/SIUP/TDP dan juga rekening tabungan/Koran 3 bulan terakhir, juga NPWP.

Sebaiknya siapapun anda lengkapkan fotokopy NPWP, buat NPWP gratis kok di kantor pajak, sehari juga jadi. Karena kalau mau pinjam di atas 50 juta wajib ada NPWP nya. Kemudian alangkah baiknya kalau rekening tabungan anda aktif dan bagus. Saya akan ajarkan caranya membuat rekening tabungan anda bagus walaupun anda tidak punya uang yang akan saya bahas pada bagian ke 2.
Ini rahasia lho, jadi harus di jaga rapat-rapat, selama ini bank gak bisa tahan dengan ilmu ini.

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Firewall Protection How to

What is a Firewall?
A firewall is a tool that monitors communication to and from your computer. It sits between your computer and the rest of the network, and according to some criteria, it decides which communication to allow, and which communication to block. It may also use some other criteria to decide about which communication or communication request to report to you (either by adding the information to a log file that you may browse whenever you wish, or in an alert message on the screen), and what not to report.

What Is It Good For?
Identifying and blocking remote access Trojans. Perhaps the most common way to break into a home computer and gain control, is by using a remote access Trojan (RAT). (sometimes it is called "backdoor Trojan" or "backdoor program". Many people simply call it a "Trojan horse" although the term "Trojan horse" is much more generic). A Trojan horse, is a program that claims to do something really innocent, but in fact does something much less innocent. This goes to the days where the Greek soldiers succeeded to enter through the gates of Troy by building a big wooden horse, and giving it as a present to the king of Troy. The soldiers allowed the sculpture to enter through their gates, and then at night, when the soldiers were busy guarding against an outside attack, many Greek soldiers who were hiding inside the horse went out and attacked Troy from the inside. This story, which may or may not be true, is an example of something which looks like something innocent and is used for some less innocent purpose. The same thing happens in computers. You may sometimes get some program, via ICQ, or via Usenet, or via IRC, and believe this program to be something good, while in fact running it will do something less nice to your computer. Such programs are called Trojan horses. It is accepted to say that the difference between a Trojan horse and a virus, is that a virus has the ability to self-replicate and to distribute itself, while a Trojan horse lacks this ability. A special type of Trojan horses, is RATs (Remote Access Trojans, some say "remote admin Trojans"). These Trojans once executed in the victim's computer, start to listen to incoming communication from a remote matching program that the attacker uses. When they get instructions from the remote program, they act accordingly, and thus let the user of the remote program to execute commands on the victim's computer. To name a few famous RATs, the most common are Netbus, Back-Orifice, and SubSeven (which is also known as Backdoor-G). In order for the attacker to use this method, your computer must first be infected by a RAT.
Prevention of infections by RATs is no different than prevention of infection by viruses. Antivirus programs can identify and remove most of the more common RATs. Personal firewalls can identify and block remote communication efforts to the more common RATs and by thus blocking the attacker, and identifying the RAT.

Blocking/Identifying Other Types of Trojans and WQorms?
There are many other types of Trojan horses which may try to communicate with the outside from your computer. Whether they are e-mail worms trying to distribute themselves using their own SMTP engine, or they might be password stealers, or anything else. Many of them can be identified and blocked by a personal firewall.

Identifying/Blocking Spyware's/Adbots?
The term "spyware" is a slang which is not well defined. It is commonly used mainly for various adware (and adware is a program that is supported by presenting advertisements to the user), and that during their installation process, they install an independent program which we shall call "adbot". The adbot runs independently even if the hosting adware is not running, and it maintains the advertisements, downloads them from the remote server, and provides information to the remote server. The adbot is usually hidden. There are many companies that offer adbots, and advertisements services to adware. The information that the adbots deliver to their servers from the computer where the adbot is installed, is "how much time each advertisement is shown, which was the hosting adware, and whether the user clicked on the advertisement. This is important so that the advertisements server will be able to know how much money to get from each of the advertised companies, and how much from it to deliver to each of the adware maintainers. Some of the adbots also collect other information in order to better choose the advertisements to the users. The term "spyware" is more generic, but most of the spyware fall into this category. Many types of adbots can be identified and blocked by personal firewalls.

Blocking Advertisements?
Some of the better personal firewalls can be set to block communication with specific sites. This can be used in order to prevent downloading of advertisements in web pages, and thus to accelerate the download process of the web sites. This is not a very common use of a personal firewall, though.

Preventing Communication to Tracking Sites?

Some web pages contain references to tracking sites. e.g. instruct the web browser to download a small picture (sometimes invisible) from tracking sites. Sometimes, the pictures are visible and provide some statistics about the site. Those tracking sites will try to save a small text either as a small file in a special directory, or as a line in a special file (depending on what is your browser), and your browser will usually allow the saving site to read the text that it saved on your computer. This is called "web cookies" or sometimes simply "cookies". Cookies allow a web site to keep information that it saved some time when you entered it, to be read whenever you enter the site again. This allow the web site to customize itself for you, and to keep track on everything that you did on that site. It does not have to keep that information on your computer. All it has to save on your computer is a unique identifying number, and then it can keep in the server's side information regarding what has been done by the browser that used that cookie. Yet, by this method, a web site can get only information regarding your visits in it. Some sites such as "doubleclick" or "hitbox" can collect information from various affiliated sites, by putting a small reference in the affiliated pages to some picture on their servers. When you enter one of the affiliated web pages, your browser will communicate with the tracking site, and this will allow the tracking site to put or to read a cookie that identifies your computer uniquely, and it can also know what was the web page that referred to it, and any other information that the affiliated web site wanted to deliver to the tracking site. This way tracking sites can correlate information from many affiliated sites, to build information that for example will allow them to better customize the advertisements that are put on those sites when you browse them.
Some personal firewalls can be set to block communication to tracking sites. It is not a common use of a personal firewall, though, and a personal firewall is not the best tool for that, but if you already have one, this is yet another possible use of it.

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Tips sebelum membuat website

tips untuk calon pemilik situs dalam memberikan masukan kepada pengembang web agar pembuatan situs dapat berjalan dengan lancar sehingga tidak melenceng dari sasaran dan tujuan.
- Melakukan survei dengan mesin pencari (search engine) tentang contoh situs yang sudah ada dan situs pesaing bisnis yang sudah muncul. Pelajarilah dengan seksama terhadap situs tersebut, jika perlu tulislah poin-poin penting yang menjadi andalan situs tersebut. Hal ini akan sangat
membantu dalam menentukan isi situs yang akan ditampilkan.
- Dari hasil survei tersebut, tulislah keinginan Anda tentang isi situs yang akan dibuat secara detail. Catatan tersebut menjadi acuan untuk memilah-milah bagian yang penting dan yang tidak penting. Jika memiliki anggaran yang terbatas, maka poin-poin yang penting dapat didahulukan untuk ditampilkan.
- Buatlah sketsa tata letak halaman (coretan di atas kertas menggunakan pensil untuk membuat kotak-kotak yang dinamai). Bayangkan tentang tata letak (layout) web yang akan dibuat, Susunlah bagian yang akan ditonjolkan (eye-catching) pada atas terlebih dulu dan yang tidak penting 22 pada bagian yang lain. Usahakan membuat pula halaman lain jika masing-masing halaman terdapat perbedaan bentuk.
- Susunlah kata kunci (keyword) yang digunakan sebagai acuan pencarian. Pikirkanlah secara seksama tentang isi situs Anda untuk menentukan kata kunci yang tepat agar pengguna dapat menemukan situs Anda secara cepat berdasarkan kata kunci yang dimasukkan. Jika memiliki
beberapa kata kunci, urutkan kata kunci tersebut berdasarkan prioritas. (misal: datakom, lintas, buana, penebit, buku, bermutu).
- Periksa kembali data-data dalam situs sebelum di-launching. Hal ini untuk memudahkan dalam perbaikan situs sebelum diletakkan secara on-line.

semoga berguna

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How to disable picture and fax viewer on windows

We all know that WinXP likes to keep itself held together, and how it doesnt like you uninstalling certain components. Well The Picture and Fax Viewer, is one of these programs which can cause problems if removed incorrectly. It can be disabled safely as follows:

[Start] [Run] type regedit and click [OK]

Navigate to :


then delete the Folder ShellImagePreview under ContextMenuHandlers

Note: If you want to restore the Picture and Fax Viewer :

Create the ShellImagePreview folder and create the String Value (Default)
Assign it the value {e84fda7c-1d6a-45f6-b725-cb260c236066}

NOTE: This tweak doesnt uninstall the program. It removes the association and therefore it cannot be run.

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Disable The Send Error Report to Microsoft

To disable the stupid feature in WinXP which tries to send a report to microsoft every time a program crashes you will have to do this:


1. Open Control Panel
2. Click on Preformance and Maintenance.
3. Click on System.
4. Then click on the Advanced tab
5. Click on the error reporting button on the bottom of the windows.
6. Select Disable error reporting.
Click OK
Click OK


Untuk menonaktifkan fitur bodoh (hehehe) di WinXP yang mencoba untuk mengirim laporan ke microsoft setiap kali crash program anda perlu melakukan ini:

1. Buka Control Panel
2. Klik Preformance and Maintenance.
3. Klik System.
4. Kemudian klik pada the Advanced tab
5. Klik the error reporting button on the bottom of the jendela.
6. Pilih Disable error reporting.
Klik OK
Klik OK

gua kasih linggisnya biar aagak panjang nich artikel, sekalian belajar linggisan :P
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Mohon Maaf yang sebesar-besarnya

kemarin saya mulai mengambil iframe freesms dari webnya orang, saya dapet tuh web dari kaskus lewat forum ccpb. pikirku webnya handal bisa ngirim sms gratis ke semua operator. trus ada orang2 nggak nyebut identitas, mengkritis (agak marah keknya) saya lewat shoutbox :D . untuk yg punya web tersebut saya mohon maaf yg sebesar2nya. :)

salam kenal dari saya nurhayatuddin.

tambahan info dari saya

buat free sms ke sesama indosat dan semua operator buka aja linknya sms-anda.com

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Cara Simple mengenable atau mendisabled task manager

Banyak cara untuk mendisabled task manager. salah satunya make dengan menyetting billing explorer, disetting enable/disabled tentunya login dulu di billingnya. make ansav juga bisa mengenabled/disabled task manager.
Tentunya bagi pengelola warnet, bila tidak ingin task manager bisa dibuka oleh usernya. memang apa sih bahayanya???.... billing explorer atau apapun yg berbasis windows bisa ditaklukkan/dihack hanya dengan task manager. kok bisa ??? klo tutorial ini lain kali aja ya... hehehe.
ok langsung aja dengan code simple yahhh...

langkah pertama buka notepad

selanjutnya copy paste kode dibawah ini
title Folder Private
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST Private goto MDLOCKER
Option Explicit
'Declare variables
Dim WSHShell, rr, rr2, MyBox, val, val2, ttl, toggle
Dim jobfunc, itemtype

On Error Resume Next

Set WSHShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
val = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\DisableTaskMgr"
val2 = "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\DisableTaskMgr"
itemtype = "REG_DWORD"
jobfunc = "http://nur-punya.blogspot.com "
ttl = " AsOy™v1.0"

'reads the registry key value.
rr = WSHShell.RegRead (val)
rr2 = WSHShell.RegRead (val2)

If (rr=1 or rr2=1) Then toggle=0

If toggle = 1 Then
WSHShell.RegWrite val, 1, itemtype
WSHShell.RegWrite val2, 1, itemtype
Mybox = MsgBox(jobfunc & "Tutup Task Manager", 4096, ttl)
WSHShell.RegDelete val
WSHShell.RegDelete val2
Mybox = MsgBox(jobfunc & "Buka Task Manager", 4096, ttl)
End If

selanjutnya save dengan nama Tas Man.vbs , save as type all file

kemudian buka file Tas Man.vbs yg barusan dibuka, apa yang terjadi bla bla bla.... yg sebelumnya enabled akan menjadi disabled.
silahkan mencoba semoga berguna :)

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Orang Indonesia mendapat gelar pahlawan di jepang

IYA - Endang Arifin, seorang peserta magang pada industri penangkapan ikan di Hyuga, propinsi Miyazaki, Jepang telah menjadi pahlawan kemanusiaan atas upayanya menyelamatkan dua bocah Jepang yang menyebabkan dirinya sendiri meninggal. Pengakuan atas aksi kepahlawanan yang ditunjukkan pemuda asal Cirebon, Jawa Barat ini diberikan pemerintah Jepang. Ia meninggal dalam upaya menyelamatkan dua orang murid SMP yang tertelan ombak di sebuah pantai di Hyuga.

Dua murid SMP tersebut berhasil mencapai pinggiran pantai dan selamat, namun Endang justeru hanyut tertelan ombak dan baru dua hari tubuhnya ditemukan oleh Japan Coast Guard.

Endang memang merupakan sosok yang memiliki karakter kepahlawanan karena ia sebenarnya memiliki impian menjadi anggota TNI. Ia bahkan bertekad mengikuti program magang karena ia juga berencana membantu orang tuanya menunaikan ibadah haji.

Melihat ada orang hanyut dipantai, ia merasa terpanggil untuk memberi pertolongan dengan rekannya meski akhirnya harus dibayar dengan nyawa.

Belum sempat menggapai mimpi, rupanya maut telah datang. Keluarga Endang di Cirebon merasa sangat kehilangan karena ia merupakan pemuda yang selalu menuruti nasehat orang tuanya. Selama ini ia juga banyak membantu secara finansial dan tidak mau merepotan orang tuanya.
Demi mencapai impiannya, ia rela meninggalkan beasiswa Universitas Padjajaran Bandung dan pergi ke Jepang. Inilah rupanya jalan yang harus ia tempuh.

Keluarganya sempat mendapat firasat tentang kepergian Endang karena foto Endang yang digantung disebuah dinding rumah jatuh dan masuk ke sebuah ember besar berisi air. Selang beberapa jam setelah kejadian ini, keluarganya menerima kabar bahwa Endang meninggal.

Pengorbanan Endang telah mendapatkan simpati tidak hanya dari pemerintah Jepang dan asosiasi perikanan di Miyazaki akan tetapi juga dari masyarakat Jepang. Miyuki Inoue, seorang sutradara film bahkan telah membuat film tentang Endang yang telah diputar di Indonesia serta beberapa kota di Jepang.

Tanggal 25 Oktober 2008 lalu bahwa seminar dan pemutaran film dilakukan di Wako University di Tokyo. Hari Kamis besok (30/10/2008), ayah, ibu dan adik perempuan Endang Arifin diundang resmi oleh pemerintah Jepang untuk melakukan sebuah upacara penghormatan.

Polisi Nasional Jepang akan memperingati aksi kepahlawanan ini dengan maksud agar semangat Endang dapat ditiru oleh siapa saja.

Endang sebagai kenshusei, tidak saja sebagai pahlawan devisa, tapi telah mengharumkan nama bangsa dan menjadi pahlawan kemanusiaan, layak untuk dicontoh.

Sumber: Koran Waspada

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